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Showing posts from February, 2014

PDF Update and More

Hey everyone! Just a little update. (Just in case you wanted to know what I look like today) Being unemployed has been.... interesting to say the least. This is the longest I have gone without really much to do at all since junior year summer break. Yes, my mom made me go to college starting in July 2004 versus starting in the fall quarter which started in October!  I've been working hard on the PDF pattern and I'm excited to say that it's nearing completion! I give it about another week or two before it gets out to testers. I'm still a little unhappy with how the pieces are nested in some areas, but I should be able to correct it. My hope is that people aren't too harsh on me since I have never done this before! But I would love to make more PDFs in the future.  It's been a real learning curve for me. I'm using Illustrator to do all the grading, importing to computer. I don't think I could have done it at all wit...

Guest Post: Where 1973 Goes For Groceries

First of the guest posts happening here while I am working diligently on the PDF. (It's coming along pretty well, thanks!) I want to kindly introduce you to a great and long-time friend of mine, Dave, who is slated to become a semi-regular contributor to Manic Pop! It's always been my vision to have a lot more music features on here; especially anything 60s/70s or anything that has those stylistic elements. As a musician and former drummer of Detroit band, The Singles , Dave knows more than a thing or two about great music. Initially we bonded over our mutual love for Canadian band, Sloan. Over the past 10 years he has led me to some of my now-favorite music - Saint Etienne, Belle and Sebastian, and Bobby Emmett to name a few. We also share an appreciation for things stuck in time, such as this grocery store which was found not too long ago. Enjoy his first post!  *********** Why would you not want to fill your mouth with what's behind this faƧade? ...

Prismatic Dress! New for Custom Ordering.

Finally, my Prismatic Dress is done!  This one is available for custom sizing and ordering in the Etsy shop for $125. This sample size 2 that I'm trying on is available immediately! It will comfortably fit a bust size 33"-34", waist size 26" and up to 36" hips due to the full skirt. More sizing details on the Etsy page. This dress came about because I wanted to incorporate more of my prismatic design work that I've been doing more of again lately into fashion design. So I thought, why not cut out some shapes and make a design on a dress? Each piece was hand-drawn by me and then carefully cut out and arranged. I decided I wanted a more frayed look around the edges so that it wouldn't be so in-your-face contrast-y. I wanted a more textured look. I am very familiar with how appliques are normally sewn on - set stitch length to 0 and use a very close zig-zag stitch. Not the look I was going for. You also could perhaps interface the bac...